At Cheaper Car Rentals, we believe renting a car should be a stress free experience. While we are very realistic about the use of our vehicles, we do have a few rules and conditions that are designed to make life easier for everyone. If you have any questions about these, please feel free to talk to us in person.
You must be at least 21 years old and have a minimum of 2 years driving experience and a current driver’s licence to rent one of our vehicles.
All drivers need a valid driver’s licence. A current acceptable overseas, Australian or International licence is required from all drivers. Translation documents must be provided where a driver’s licence is not in English. We are happy to rent to a holder of a provisional licence that meets our age requirements and has at least two years driving experience.
Besides your current driver’s licence with your current address on it, a credit card with your name on it must be supplied as a second form of identification. If you do not have your current address on your licence, please bring proof of your address with you. For international visitors, a current passport will be considered sufficient as a form of Identification.
Payment of all fees is to be made at the commencement of the hire by either credit card or cash. On booking we charge a minimum $200 bond which is refunded at the end of the rental and must be paid by debit/credit card. This bond guarantees your booking will be held for you.
Bonds are taken on booking to guarantee your booking and are refunded at the end of the rental. They can take up to 21 business days to appear on my statement once refunded.
I agree to HV Car Rentals Group deducting any extra fees incurred during the rental period from the security bond.
Yes, all credit card holders must however be on the agreement as the main hirer and provide their valid licence details. They must also sign the agreement. You may then be added as an additional driver.
Vehicle insurance is included on all hires and varies depending on whether you are involved in a multi vehicle accident (MVA) or a single vehicle accident (SVA). A Single Vehicle Accident (SVA) is defined as:
- An accident where no other motor vehicle is involved (e.g. rollovers, collisions with animals, trees, pedestrians etc)
- Another motor vehicle is involved but that other motor vehicle or its driver has not been identified to us or at the time of the incident the other vehicle was stationary or parked.
The Single Vehicle Accident excess is charged in addition to the multi vehicle accident excess. Single vehicle accidents of any kind are subject to the full excess of $2500 for older model vehicles and $3300 for current model vehicles unless an excess reduction option has been taken.
Older model cars are subject to a MVA excess of up to $2000 for all drivers aged 25 years and over. For drivers aged between 21 and 24 years old the excess is up to $2500 on older model vehicles. For current model vehicles, the excess rate is up to $3300.
Like any insurance policy on your personal vehicle, any criminal offence you commit or if your negligent driving causes an accident and you are charged with a driving offence, you will not be covered by insurance. If you are in breach the rental agreement insurance cover is voided. Breaches include but are not limited to:
- Not returning the vehicle when requested
- Driving on dirt or gravel roads
- Driving above the snow line
- Not paying any fees or excess charges when they fall due
- Allowing a 3rd party to drive the vehicle that is not listed on the agreement and who has not signed the agreement.
- Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Using a rental vehicle to commit a crime.
Driving a rental car does not exempt you from the legislated requirements for road accidents. This includes providing your name, address, drivers licence number and contact details to any other drivers involved and you should ensure you get the same details from them.
In the event of an accident, the hirer is absolutely liable for any damage up to the amount specified for the excess in the agreement irrespective of fault. In this context damage includes:
- Any and all damage to the vehicle including windscreens, tyres, break-in or vandalism, theft, fire, towing and recovery costs.
- Damage to third party property;
- Loss of use of the vehicle by Cheaper Car Rentals during the period the vehicle is off fleet for repair. This period is charged at the daily rental rate for the vehicle at the time of hire and as set out in the rental agreement.
- An administration fee of $110.
All accidents must be reported within 24 hours and an accident report must be filled in.
In the event of minor damage to the vehicle and no other driver is involved, we will work with you to achieve the fairest outcome for everyone.
Your choices in this situation are:
- Keep renting the car and have the damage fixed by your own reputable and qualified repairer
- Return the vehicle and have us organise the repair for you.
If you choose option 2, we will obtain a quote from our preferred repairer, charge you an administration fee plus lost rental days for the time the vehicle is off the road. If the car cost $500 and took 2 days to repair, you would pay $500 for the repair, $110 administration fee plus 2 days rental fees. If the repair cost is more than the excess option you chose at the time of renting the car, you only pay the excess amount. This is why we always recommend you take an excess reduction option as we take more of the risk when you do.
Our policy is that the excess is taken and is held until the 3rd party claim is settled. In the event that we can recover from the third party, we will refund your excess payment. To expedite this happening, you need to ensure that you get all the other drivers details and their insurance companies details.
Windows and tyres are not covered by insurance. If a puncture occurs or a window breaks while you have hired a vehicle from us, you will be responsible for repair costs. You can purchase tyre and windscreen cover.
A one day hire is a 24 hour period from the time of pickup to the same time on the following day (subject to weekend opening hours). Late fees are charged at $10 per hour or a full day, whichever is the cheaper.
In the event that you may wish to extend your rental period, we are more than happy to accommodate your needs, providing:
- Your account is up to date and you are able to pre-pay for your extended rental period.
- There are no previous confirmed bookings on the vehicle you have rented during the extension period. Please note we will do our utmost to accommodate you in an alternative vehicle if someone else has pre-booked your vehicle prior to your extension.
- You have shown respect for the vehicle you have currently rented in regards to its maintenance and presentation.
In the event of a vehicle returning earlier than the original return date, no refund will be given.
If your rental account is not settled or runs overdue, after seven (7) days we may need to pass your debt onto a collection agent. This will incur extra charges which will be passed onto you. Where a vehicle is not returned when due and no extension has been agreed to by us, the vehicle will be reported stolen. In the event of a default your debt will be listed on your credit file and will prevent you from obtaining finance in the future until the debt is cleared.
Child seats are now compulsory in Australia, and can be hired from us. Please order at time of reservation (subject to availability).
It is required that at the end of each rental, the vehicle be returned with same amount of fuel that the vehicle left with. This is recorded on the agreement and is signed for by the hirer. It is the hirer’s responsibility to ensure the fuel level is the same as recorded on the agreement before leaving with the vehicle. We will endeavour to show you around the car at each hire and show you the expected amount of fuel in the vehicle when it is returned which is also recorded on the damage report. Should the hirer not return the vehicle in this condition fuel surcharges will apply.
We take pride in ensuring you rent a vehicle that is professionally maintained by licensed vehicle testers and clean. Vehicles that are not treated with respect whilst out on rental, and are returned in a condition which we consider unreasonable, will incur a cleaning charge appropriate to the amount of time required to professionally clean and detail the vehicle.
No smoking is allowed in any of our vehicles. A fee of $110 will be charged when a car has been smoked in.
All car rentals come with daily km allowance. This amount is cumulative meaning if you take a car for a week with 100kms of travel per day you have 700km of travel included in your rental. Should your kilometre usage be in excess of this, a charge of 33c per extra kilometre will be incurred when you return the vehicle and settle your account.
If you need to more kilometres than this, you have the option of upgrading your rental at the time of booking.
All speeding, parking, toll evasions and any other traffic infringements, incurred by the vehicle you have rented during your rental period, will be your responsibility. We charge a $49.90 administration fee for any tolls or fines that we process and make nominations for.
On renting a vehicle from Cheaper Car Rentals, you will be required to sign a contract, agreeing to specific terms as specified on the agreement. Only those hirers who have signed the agreement and whose license has been verified by us are allowed to drive the vehicle. There is $20 charge per driver for adding additional drivers to the contract. Anyone who drives the car without signing the contract will not be insured and are at risk of heavy penalties if an accident occurs.
Unfortunately, we are unable to facilitate after hours drop offs at our Melbourne and Carnegie stores. The vehicle must be returned during business hours. If you choose to drop off a vehicle out of hours it will be entirely at the hirers risk and the vehicle will not be considered returned until we have checked the vehicle back in. Any damage that occurs to vehicles left after business hours will be at the expense of the hirer and subject to the terms and conditions already outlined.